When Lief, Barda, and Jasmine escape The City Of Rats, they have to face loads of violence and enemies of all kinds. The Gem Of Deltora they find is the Lapiz Lazul.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Spiderwick chronicles 1
This book is about a boy that finds a field guide about faeries and how to catch and see them. The boy, Jared Grace, finds the book in the attic. He read the book and then unleashed a brownie named Thimbletack.
Kane Chronicles- Throne of Fire
This book is about awakening Ra from his deep sleep and saving the world. Carter and Sadie's magical talent grows more powerful in this book. There's only one more book in the series left.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Pip Bartlett's Guide
There were three animals out of the many magical creatures that are from Harry Potter: the Grim, the Hippogriff, and the Unicorn. Pegasus was from Percy Jackson. One that was not from any of the above was the HobGrackle. Its sweat could melt metal! There's a next book coming out called Pip Bartlett's Guide to Training Unicorns.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Spiderwick's field guide
Have you seen this movie before? This book is about magical creatures & faeries. From flip-up pictures to life like illustrations, it's all FUN!!! In the movie,Thimbletack speaks in rhymes. Here is 1 example of when he did: Circle,circle,little jerkle little jerkle broke the circle. That part was funny! In the book,Thimbletack wasn't that special.😕
George's Marvelous Medicine
This book was funny because George referred to his grandma as a "wicked witch". She was always yelling at George, so I guess you could call her wicked.
He makes four marvelous medicines. One of them is complete, the other three of them got messed up. On the third marvelous medicine, anything that took a dose of it would shrink. He gave it to a chicken and it shrank until it looked like a chick. Grandmas drank five doses of it and shrank until nothing was there!

Saturday, September 19, 2015
Unusual creatures
As you can see, this book is about unusual creatures. Did you know: the three-toed sloth is so slow that moss grows on its skin in the rainy season? A male humpback anglerfish bites a female humpback anglerfish. First it fuses, then it disintegrates onto her skin. Later, when she is ready to lay eggs, the male fertilizes the eggs and then she lays them. I think this is awesome, fascinating, weird, and gross.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
This Thriller is about a vampire bunny. It sucks juice out of vegetables. It easily gets out of its cage. It was found at a Dracula movie. It also had a note writen in Transylvanian. Even though the family never found out, the other pets found out. Well, not Bunnicula, he already knew.
Geronimo Stilton Book 7.
This book is funny, because everyone wants to see Geronimo Stilton's next book. This book is the seventh book in the series. It's about a place that Geronimo Stilton goes to sometimes when he dreams.
Deltora quest 3
(The picture disappeared, sorry.)
Barda, Lief, and Jasmine encounter and battle a swarm of rats and a gigantic serpent. This is the third book of the Deltora Quest and like the other books, they had to get a gem. The opal is the symbol of hope, and whoever possesses it can see glimpses of the future.
39 clues book 1
In this book, Dan and Amy find out that their hosts are the most powerful family in the history of the world. One second they're orphans, and a second later they're two of the most powerful kids in the world. But it's not just them, they compete against a band of mean cousins to get the 39 clues hidden all around the world.
Friday, September 11, 2015
The house at Pooh corner
A part that was funny was that Roo said, "One time I fell into the pond and I swimed!" Or something like that. I liked it because it wasn't proper grammar.
In this book someone named Nicholas Alan changes the word "pen" into frindle. First it's his word, then it's everyone's word! Mrs. Granger, though, doesn't use it. She doesn't approve it. This is not a fable, but it still teaches kids something.
Deltora quest 2
Three people got the Ruby, which is the next Gem Of Deltora in the Belt Of Deltora.
There was a lot to go through. For example, a sign trick, a lake monster, and an evil sorceress!
Saturday, September 5, 2015
The first book of Deltora Quest
There are seven books of Deltora Quest. Three people have to find seven jems and they have found one. They'll find the next Gem in the next book.
A boy and his terrible ear
A boy called Yang has a terrible ear. And when he tries to play the violin, the only sound that he makes is a loud SCREECH!
He meets a friend named Matthew who tells him about baseball and Yang is interested in it. He tried to keep his playing of baseball a secret, but his father finds out and the way he finds out is when he's practicing his father sees his raw knuckles and asked him what happened to your knuckles? And then Yang told him that he was sliding on the ground, and his father asked him why were you sliding on the ground? Then bit by bit the truth came out.
His father had to punish him and said, "I'm very disappointed in you. Your punishment is you can't play baseball until your violin playing improves." He felt really scared because he might never play baseball again.
Do you think he'll get to play baseball ever again?
The book that Kronos takes over... or at least he tries to.
In one part of this book, Annabeth said, "Poison on the dagger, stupid of me, right?" That was one of my favorite parts.
This is the last book of the series! I was disappointed that the series was over, but Rick Riordan still has Kane Chronicals and the Heroes of Olympus Chronicals. Speaking of Kane Chronicals, I'm reading the first Kane Chronicals book now.
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